The goal of this guide is to be used as a reference for concerns about legal and illegal actions in competitive play for Counter-Strike: Source.
BASIC GAME PLAY EXPLOITS(Exploits concerning general game play and a basic description of what is legal and illegal.)
- Bomb Planting
- Attempting to make the bomb undefusable by covering it with objects is ILLEGAL [ Examples: 1 ]
- As long as the bomb is able to be heard and can be defused without interference from the environment, the bomb plant is LEGAL
- Bomb Defusing
- Throwing projectiles off of invisible walls/ceilings is LEGAL
- Projectile boosting(covered below) is ILLEGAL
- Super Boost (requires two players) [ LEGAL ]
- Player A jumps over player B
- Player B jumps while player A is in the air above him
- Player A jumps again
- **NOTE** This can be performed in two ways: standing(where player A starts off already on top of player B) and running(player A runs towards player B and jumps over him)
- Run Boost (requires two players) [ LEGAL ]
- Player A stands on top of player B
- Player A and B begin to run simultaneously in the same direction
- Player A jumps
- Projectile Boost (requires two players) [ ILLEGAL ]
- Player A jumps over player B
- Player B throws a projectile(flashbang, smoke grenade, or HE grenade) into player A's feet
- Ladder Boost [ LEGAL ]
- "Hook" onto a ladder and look down or up
- Move backward(if looking down) or forward(if looking up) and strafe into the ladder at the same time
- Air Strafing [ LEGAL ]
- Jump into the air with forward velocity
- Choose a direction to strafe and move your crosshairs in the same direction
- **NOTE** Air strafing increases your speed dramatically and is what allows longjumping and bunnyhopping to work
- Quick Crouching [ ILLEGAL ]
- Begin by crouching(usually behind a box)
- Release your crouch key and immediately press it again
- Any spot that allows you to see through the map in a way that is unintended is ILLEGAL [ Examples: 1 ]
- If an object goes through a significant portion of your player model (also known as clipping), the spot is ILLEGAL [ Examples: 1 , 2 ]
- Being in a spot that does not have a visible ledge for standing on is ILLEGAL [ Examples: 1 ]
- Intentionally placing or shooting objects in front of a swinging door is ILLEGAL [ Examples: 1 ]
INDIVIDUAL MAP EXPLOITS(Listing of illegal and common legal concerns pertaining to each map.)
NOTE: Using any exploit noted here as ILLEGAL will result in a MINIMUM 3 rounds overturned for your match.
- Being on top of the arch outside of T spawn or the arch outside of A is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 , 3 ]
- Clipping through these ceilings is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Being on the various sloped ledges around the map is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]
- Being on the ledge looking over bombsite B is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Being on the vines in T spawn is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on the gutter pipes is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Boosting on the arched door frames is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Being on the sloped ledges is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on the sloped ledges is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 , 3 ]
- Being on the invisible ledge in plank room is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on the higher ledges of the map is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 , 3, 4, 5 ]
- Being in the tree's is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on the various non-sloped, visible ledges is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 , 3, 4 ]
- Being on the sloped ledge near CT spawn is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on invisible ledges is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Boosting on the door at long A is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Being on the windows near T spawn is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Looking through the window crack at long A is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on the box and door frame at long A is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Jumping while on the box or door frame at long A is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Being on and jumping while on the door at CT mid is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Being on the various non-sloped, visible ledges which do not enable you to see through the map is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 , 3 ]
- Being on this exit sign is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Being on the beams in the halls between site B and mid is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 , 3 ]
- Being on the side of the rock near CT mid is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Planting the bomb in the water of the fountain is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Jumping into this tree is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Using this bench to look through the map is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Being on the invisible ledge in T side apartments is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Jumping onto this light is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Being on this fence is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on the various arches is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Looking through the rotating signs is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Being on this ledge neat T spawn is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Being in the any of the trees is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on the keypads is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on this invisible ledge is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on this ledge in the lower bomb site is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on any light where you clip through the beams is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Looking through these lockers to see the double windows in locker room is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on the pipes in ramp room is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on the yellow container in CT warehouse is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- There are currently no known concerns for de_russka
- There are currently no known concerns for de_season
- Being inside these arches at mid is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on any of the lights above bomb site B is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Being on the invisible ledges above bomb site B is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on the window's above bomb site B is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Being on the invisible ledges above the outside train yard is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Clipping into the yellow engine train's wheelbase is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 ]
- Clipping into the vent in the halls from T spawn is ILLEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on the small rafter in T connector is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on the pipes above ladder room is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on the railing above the outside train yard is LEGAL [ Examples : 1 ]
- Being on the various lights and objects that aren't noted as illegal are LEGAL [ Examples : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ]
CONSOLE AND SCRIPTING(Concerns about the legality of console commands, console variables, and scripts.)
- Using any console command that gets rid of radio calls is ILLEGAL
- Using any console command blocked by sv_cheats 0, sv_pure 2, the cal config, or the latest version of zblock is ILLEGAL
- Using any command that allows you to see through solid objects or modifies ambient sounds is ILLEGAL
- Here is a list of currently known ILLEGAL console commands:PHP Code:
- Using any console variable blocked by sv_cheats 0, sv_pure 2, the cal config, or the latest version of zblock is ILLEGAL
- Using any variable setting that allows you to see through solid objects or modifies ambient sounds is ILLEGAL
- Changing ANY graphic console variable after taking your first SS in a match is ILLEGAL
(NOTE: variables that change crosshairs are exempt from this rule) - Here is a list of console variables and their LEGAL values (Changing the values of these variables to anything other than what is listed is ILLEGAL):PHP Code:
"cl_showanimstate" = "-1"
"cl_showanimstate_log" = "0"
"g_debug_ragdoll_visualize" = "0"
"r_drawothermodels" = "1"
"cl_extrapolate" = "1"
"cl_interp_ratio" = "1"
"cl_interpolate" = "1"
"r_drawrenderboxes" = "0"
"fish_debug" = "0"
"r_drawropes" = "1"
"soundscape_fadetime" = "3.0"
"r_drawsprites" = "1"
"r_JeepViewBlendTo" = "1"
"r_JeepViewBlendToScale" = "0.03"
"r_JeepViewBlendToTime" = "1.5"
"r_JeepFOV" = "90"
"cl_predict" = "1"
"mat_stub" = "0"
"cl_drawleaf" = "-1"
"r_PortalTestEnts" = "1"
"cl_drawhud" = "1"
"r_newflashlight" = "1"
"r_flashlightlockposition" = "0"
"r_flashlightfov" = "45.0"
"r_flashlightoffsetx" = "10.0"
"r_flashlightoffsety" = "-20.0"
"r_flashlightoffsetz" = "24.0"
"r_flashlightnear" = "1.0"
"r_flashlightfar" = "750.0"
"r_flashlightconstant" = "0.0"
"r_flashlightlinear" = "100.0"
"r_flashlightquadratic" = "0.0"
"r_flashlightvisualizetrace" = "0"
"cl_sun_decay_rate" = "0.05"
"hidehud" = "0"
"cam_command" = "0"
"cl_pitchdown" = "89"
"cl_pitchup" = "89"
"cl_sidespeed" = "400"
"cl_upspeed" = "320"
"cl_forwardspeed" = "400"
"cl_backspeed" = "400"
"cl_extrapolate_amount" = "0.25"
"r_drawparticles" = "1"
"particle_simulateoverflow" = "0"
"particle_simulateoverflow" = "0"
"cl_particleeffect_aabb_buffer" = "2"
"cl_particles_show_bbox" = "0"
"cl_phys_timescale" = "1.0"
"r_propsmaxdist" = "1200"
"cl_wpn_sway_scale" = "1.0"
"cl_showerror" = "0"
"cl_predictionlist" = "0"
"cl_pdump" = "-1"
"cl_pclass" = ""
"pwatchent" = "-1"
"pwatchvar" = ""
"viewmodel_fov" = "54"
"mat_viewportscale" = "1.0"
"cl_leveloverview" = "0"
"r_mapextents" = "16384"
"r_farz" = "-1"
"r_DrawBeams" = "1"
"cl_overdraw_test" = "0"
"r_eyewaterepsilon" = "7.0f"
"cl_maxrenderable_dist" = "3000"
"r_drawopaqueworld" = "1"
"r_skybox" = "1"
"r_drawviewmodel" = "1"
"r_drawtranslucentrenderables" = "1"
"r_drawopaquerenderables" = "1"
"fog_override" = "0"
"fog_start" = "-1"
"fog_end" = "-1"
"fog_color" = "-1 -1 -1"
"fog_enable" = "1"
"fog_startskybox" = "-1"
"fog_endskybox" = "-1"
"fog_colorskybox" = "-1 -1 -1"
"fog_enableskybox" = "1"
"r_debugcheapwater" = "0"
"mat_drawwater" = "1"
"cl_drawmaterial" = ""
"cl_drawshadowtexture" = "0"
"mat_showwatertextures" = "0"
"mat_showframebuffertexture" = "0"
"mat_showcamerarendertarget" = "0"
"mat_camerarendertargetoverlaysize" = "128"
"mat_hsv" = "0"
"mat_yuv" = "0"
"r_TransitionSensitivity" = "6"
"mat_bloomamount_rate" = "0.05f"
"mat_debug_process_halfscreen" = "0"
"mat_debug_autoexposure" = "0"
"mat_force_bloom" = "0"
"mat_debug_bloom" = "0"
"mat_exposure_center_region_x" = "0.75"
"mat_exposure_center_region_y" = "0.80"
"mat_exposure_center_region_x_flashlight" = "0.33"
"mat_exposure_center_region_y_flashlight" = "0.33"
"mat_dxlevel" = "81","90","95"
"mat_picmip" = "0","1","2"
"mat_force_bloom" = "0"
"mat_bloomamount_rate" = "0.05f"
"mat_hdr_tonemapscale_max" = "16"
"mat_hdroverbrightrange" = "16"
"mat_colorcorrection" = "0"
"mat_leafvis" = "0"
"mat_surfacemat" = "0"
"mat_surfaceid" = "0"
"mat_bumpbasis" = "0"
"mat_debugdepth" = "0"
"mat_debugdepthvalmax" = "256"
"mat_debugdepthval" = "128"
"mat_debugdepthmode" = "0"
"mat_debugalttab" = "0"
"mat_debug_process_halfscreen" = "0"
"mat_debug_bloom" = "0"
"mat_debug_autoexposure" = "0"
"mat_showlightmappage" = "-1"
"cl_winddir" = "0"
"cl_windspeed" = "0"
"net_showevents" = "0"
"r_RainSplashPercentage" = "20"
"r_RainHack" = "0"
"r_RainRadius" = "1500"
"r_RainSideVel" = "130"
"r_RainSimulate" = "1"
"r_DrawRain" = "1"
"r_RainProfile" = "0"
"r_SnowEnable" = "1"
"r_SnowParticles" = "500"
"r_SnowInsideRadius" = "256"
"r_SnowOutsideRadius" = "1024"
"r_SnowSpeedScale" = "1"
"r_SnowPosScale" = "1"
"r_SnowFallSpeed" = "1.5"
"r_SnowWindScale" = "0.0035"
"r_SnowDebugBox" = "0"
"r_SnowZoomOffset" = "384.0f"
"r_SnowZoomRadius" = "512.0f"
"r_SnowStartAlpha" = "25"
"r_SnowEndAlpha" = "255"
"r_SnowColorRed" = "150"
"r_SnowColorGreen" = "175"
"r_SnowColorBlue" = "200"
"r_SnowStartSize" = "1"
"r_SnowEndSize" = "0"
"r_SnowRayLength" = "8192.0f"
"r_SnowRayRadius" = "256"
"r_SnowRayEnable" = "1"
"r_raindensity" = "0.001"
"r_rainwidth" = "0.5"
"r_rainlength" = "0.1f"
"r_rainspeed" = "600.0f"
"r_rainalpha" = "0.4"
"r_rainalphapow" = "0.8"
"r_VehicleViewClamp" = "1"
"cl_sporeclipdistance" = "512"
"default_fov" = "90"
"cl_bobcycle" = "0.8"
"cl_bob" = "0.002"
"cl_bobup" = "0.5"
"cl_leveloverviewmarker" = "0"
"ai_drawbattlelines" = "0"
"npc_ally_deathmessage" = "1"
"g_debug_trackpather" = "0"
"sv_showanimstate" = "-1"
"sv_showanimstate_log" = "0"
"sv_netvisdist" = "10000"
"ai_debug_los" = "0"
"ent_messages_draw" = "0"
"ai_debug_shoot_positions" = "0"
"fish_dormant" = "0"
"r_vehicleDrawDebug" = "0"
"r_vehicleBrakeRate" = "1.5"
"sv_showhitboxes" = "-1"
"r_VehicleViewDampen" = "1"
"r_JeepViewDampenFreq" = "7.0"
"r_JeepViewDampenDamp" = "1.0"
"r_JeepViewZHeight" = "10.0"
"r_AirboatViewDampenFreq" = "7.0"
"r_AirboatViewDampenDamp" = "1.0"
"r_AirboatViewZHeight" = "0.0"
"nav_edit" = "0"
"nav_quicksave" = "0"
"nav_show_approach_points" = "0"
"nav_show_danger" = "0"
"nav_show_player_counts" = "0"
"g_debug_vehicledriver" = "0"
"sv_pushaway_player_force" = "200000"
"sv_pushaway_max_player_force" = "10000"
"sv_noclipduringpause" = "0"
"sv_showlagcompensation" = "0"
"g_debug_angularsensor" = "0"
"g_debug_ragdoll_removal" = "0"
"showtriggers" = "0"
"g_debug_vehiclebase" = "0"
"g_debug_vehiclesound" = "0"
"g_debug_vehicleexit" = "0"
"cs_ShowStateTransitions" = "-2"
"bot_mimic" = "0"
"bot_freeze" = "0"
"bot_crouch" = "0"
"bot_mimic_yaw_offset" = "180"
"g_jeepexitspeed" = "100"
"bot_traceview" = "0"
"bot_stop" = "0"
"bot_show_nav" = "0"
"bot_debug" = "0"
"bot_debug_target" = "0"
"bot_zombie" = "0"
"bot_dont_shoot" = "0"
"bot_show_occupy_time" = "0"
"bot_show_battlefront" = "0"
"bot_loadout" = ""
"hostage_debug" = "0"
"sv_pushaway_hostage_force" = "20000"
"sv_pushaway_max_hostage_force" = "1000"
"r_modellodscale" = "1.0"
"cl_detailfade" = "400"
"cl_detaildist" = "1600"
"r_drawdetailprops" = "1"
"r_screenfademaxsize" = "0"
"r_screenfademinsize" = "0"
"mat_hdr_tonemapscale" = "1.0"
"mat_hdroverbrightrange" = "16.0"
"mat_filtertextures" = "1"
"mat_mipmaptextures" = "1"
"mat_showmiplevels" = "0"
"mat_slopescaledepthbias_decal" = "-0.500000"
"mat_slopescaledepthbias_normal" = "0"
"mat_depthbias_decal" = "-262144"
"mat_diffuse" = "1"
"mat_showlowresimage" = "0"
"mat_normalmaps" = "0"
"mat_measurefillrate" = "0"
"mat_fillrate" = "0"
"mat_reversedepth" = "0"
"mat_drawflat" = "0"
"mat_softwarelighting" = "0"
"mat_proxy" = "0"
"mat_hdr_manual_tonemap_rate" = "1.0"
"mat_accelerate_adjust_exposure_down" = "3"
"mat_debugdepth" = "0"
"mat_texture_limit" = "-1"
"mat_frame_sync_enable" = "1"
"mat_frame_sync_force_texture" = "0"
"mem_force_flush" = "0"
"mod_forcedata" = "1"
"mod_test_not_available" = "0"
"mod_test_mesh_not_available" = "0"
"mod_test_verts_not_available" = "0"
"mod_load_mesh_async" = "0"
"mod_load_anims_async" = "0"
"mod_load_vcollide_async" = "0"
"mod_trace_load" = "0"
"mod_lock_mdls_on_load" = "0"
"snd_obscured_gain_dB" = "-2.70"
"snd_showstart" = "0"
"dsp_dist_max" = "1440.0"
"dsp_dist_min" = "0.0"
"snd_visualize" = "0"
"snd_show" = "0"
"showbudget_texture" = "0"
"vgui_drawtree" = "0"
"r_drawvgui" = "1"
"vcollide_wireframe" = "0"
"r_colorstaticprops" = "0"
"r_drawstaticprops" = "1"
"r_partition_level" = "-1"
"r_lod" = "-1","0","1","2"
"r_rootlod" = "0","1","2"
"t_transitionsensitivity" = "6"
"t_modellodscale" = "1"
"r_avglight" = "1"
"r_ambientfraction" = "0.1"
"r_entity" = "-1"
"snd_gain_min" = "0.01"
"snd_gain_max" = "1"
"snd_gain" = "1"
"snd_foliage_db_loss" = "4"
"snd_refdb" = "60"
"snd_refdist" = "36"
"dsp_off" = "0"
"r_shadowids" = "0"
"r_shadowwireframe" = "0"
"r_shadows_gamecontrol" = "-1"
"r_drawdecals" = "1"
"r_dscale_basefov" = "90"
"r_dscale_fardist" = "2000"
"r_dscale_farscale" = "4"
"r_dscale_neardist" = "100"
"r_dscale_nearscale" = "1"
"r_portalsopenall" = "0"
"r_DrawPortals" = "0"
"r_ClipAreaPortals" = "1"
"r_occlusionspew" = "0"
"r_visocclusion" = "0"
"net_droppackets" = "0"
"net_fakeloss" = "0"
"net_fakelag" = "0"
"net_blockmsg" = "none"
"mat_loadtextures" = "1"
"r_lockpvs" = "0"
"r_novis" = "0"
"mat_depthbias_normal" = "0"
"mat_fullbright" = "0"
"mat_bumpbasis" = "0"
"mat_normals" = "0"
"mat_showlightmappage" = "-1"
"mat_luxels" = "0"
"mat_wireframe" = "0"
"mat_norendering" = "0"
"r_lightstyle" = "-1"
"r_lightmap" = "-1"
"mat_debugalttab" = "0"
"r_lightcachecenter" = "1"
"r_drawlightcache" = "0"
"r_avglight" = "0"
"r_radiosity" = "4"
"r_ambientlightingonly" = "0"
"r_lightcache_numambientsamples" = "162" min. 1.000000 max. 162.000000"lightcache_maxmiss" = "2"
"r_ambientfraction" = "0.1"
"r_modelwireframedecal" = "0"
"r_skin" = "0"
"r_drawentities" = "1"
"r_nosw" = "0"
"r_nohw" = "0"
"mat_softwareskin" = "0"
"r_showenvcubemap" = "0"
"r_itemblinkrate" = "4.5"
"r_itemblinkmax" = ".3"
"r_debugrandomstaticlighting" = "0"
"r_lightinterp" = "5"
"r_entity" = "-1"
"r_DrawModelLightOrigin" = "0"
"r_drawmodelstatsoverlaydistance" = "500"
"r_drawmodelstatsoverlay" = "0"
"host_sleep" = "0"
"developer" = "1"
"next" = "0"
"singlestep" = "0"
"r_drawfullskybox" = "1"
"r_drawskybox" = "1"
"mat_surfacemat" = "0"
"mat_surfaceid" = "0"
"fog_enable_water_fog" = "1"
"r_drawbrushmodels" = "1"
"r_drawworld" = "1"
"r_drawleaf" = "-1"
"mat_forcedynamic" = "0"
"r_drawtranslucentworld" = "1"
"r_aspectratio" = "0"
"r_visualizelighttracesshowfulltrace" = "0"
"r_visualizelighttraces" = "0"
"r_visualizetraces" = "0"
"r_avglightmap" = "0"
"r_drawlightinfo" = "0"
"r_drawlights" = "0"
"disp_numiterations" = "1"
"r_DispBuildable" = "0"
"r_DispWalkable" = "0"
"r_DrawDisp" = "1"
"r_drawclipbrushes" = "0"
"mat_leafvis" = "0"
"showbudget_texture" = "0"
"cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_offset" = "90"
"cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset" = "10"
"cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount" = "200"
"cl_clock_correction_force_server_tick" = "999"
"cl_clock_showdebuginfo" = "0"
"cl_clockdrift_max_ms" = "150"
"cl_clock_correction" = "1"
"mat_show_texture_memory_usage" = "0"
"cl_showevents" = "0"
"cl_ignorepackets" = "0"
"cl_flushentitypacket" = "0"
"cl_entityreport" = "0"
"demo_recordcommands" = "1"
"mat_force_tonemap_scale" = "0.0f"
"mat_dynamic_tonemapping" = "1"
- Binding a command to multiple keys is LEGAL
[ Example: It is ok to have space and mwheeldown both bound to +jump ] - Binding a key to multiple commands is ILLEGAL
**NOTE** There are three exceptions to this rule:- BUY: The buy command can be bound to a key that already has another command bound to it
- BIND: The bind command can be bound to a key that already has another command bound to it
- ALIAS: The alias command can be bound to a key that already has another command bound to it ONLY if it is used in such a way that it does not mimic the effect of binding two commands to one key. Also, aliasing any command that starts with "+" to an alias that does not start with "+" is ILLEGAL
- Here is a LEGAL example of using the alias command:PHP Code:
alias weapswitch "prim"alias prim "slot1; alias weapswitch sec"alias sec "slot2; alias weapswitch prim"bind "q" "weapswitch"
- Here is an ILLEGAL example of using the alias command:PHP Code:
alias +cjump "+jump; +duck"alias -cjump "-jump; -duck"bind space +cjump
- Here is a LEGAL example of using the alias command: